So what exactly do I do as a site manager for

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In as simple terms as possible: publish  and manage the placement of multimedia content. Here's some examples of what I do on a nightly basis:


Set the order of the Video index on the MLB At-Bat mobile application, available on Google Play and Apple.  Typically 40-60 videos, this index contains the top video highlights in baseball on that given day/night. I'm responsible for the quality of the headlines and for making sure the .jpg images show up properly. 


Write, edit or quality check blurbs and big blurbs of clips, verifying for accuracy and grammatical correctness.


Ensure that the appropriate video recaps are appearing and playing with their respective games. Quality check the .jpg and the written metadata for the recaps.  This must be done for all games by the end of the night.


Ensure that related videos are appearing and playing in the Video section of every game.


Ensure that plays from each game are properly appearing and playing in their respective Gameday section on At-Bat and on As usual, quality check .jpg images and accompanying metadata.

Where else do these videos appear?

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Main video tray of the homepage. The #1 video automatically plays and displays the headline/blurb, then autoplays the following videos in the rest of the video index (same one as depicted above in the mobile app)

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Video trays of each individual team website also need to be maintained and updated. This must be done for all 30 teams.

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Depending on the topic, some videos need to be embedded in featured articles. The headlines and blurbs must be tailored with the audience's readership in mind.

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Publish podcasts to appropriate podcast pages on, quality checking headlines and descriptions of each episode. If the podcast isn't playing, it's imperative to figure out why and to ensure it appears ASAP.

Here are some of my favorite highlights I've published:

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